Jan 26, 2023

5 reasons AI won’t kill the copywriter

Darryll Bayes
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In a world where artificial intelligence (AI) is gradually becoming more advanced, there are some who worry that it might eventually replace human content writers. However, there are several reasons why this is unlikely to happen for a while. Here are five:

AI can't come up with creative ideas

Prepare to be shocked: AI can't come up with creative ideas! Automated processes may be able to speed up and simplify mundane, data-focused tasks, but creativity simply cannot be recreated by a machine. Creativity, which is defined by its originality and ingenuity, requires the complex cognitive process of creativity that humans possess: something that AI doesn’t quite have down yet. This creativity relates to an underlying sense of empathy and emotion – things like humour, understanding nuance between people in conversation all depend upon the brain being able to process social cues and absorb shades of emotion - something that machines are far from mastering. Connecting creativity with these intrinsic human values will remain untouched by technology for years to come.

AI can't do research like a human can

It's hard to believe, but advancements in artificial intelligence still can't replace research done by humans. Despite the tiresome fact-checking and contextual analysis that goes into a project, AI is incapable of sufficiently sifting through the data and understanding its importance. This means AI tasks such as fact checking are not completely reliable, as they lack the human “common sense” to interpret fact within credible context. Realistically, there's no substitute for researching like a real person with their innate knowledge — machines will have to make do with what we teach them… for now.

AI can't understand the nuances of language

In the age of intelligent technology, one might assume that machines could understand nuances of language such as context, sarcasm, and irony. However, it is remarkable to realise that even the most advanced cannot comprehend these elements. By definition, a machine can only interpret information as given, whereas nuances take creative interpretation of the spoken word by an individual person to fully comprehend what is being communicated. Without this capacity for interpretative thought, AI, for now, will lack in its understanding of nuances in language.

AI can't replicate the style of a great writer

AI may be able to replicate some of our everyday tasks, but they cannot replicate the style of a truly great writer (though ChatGPT is getting there). A great writer must have empathy and an ability to distil complex thoughts into words that will resonate with others. They must also have a passion for reading, self-reflection, and abstract thinking. Most importantly, the best writer has passion, ambition, and the drive to challenge ideas and conventions. AI may use those skills in its own way, but it will never capture the voice of a living author - something that only comes alive through a true love of culture and writing.

AI can’t think about the big picture

AI can certainly help copywriters by taking away mundane tasks and allowing them to focus on the more creative aspects of their job. However, marketing as an example, requires much more than just being creative - it requires strategy and an understanding of the objectives. AI may have some basic understanding, but it is still too far away from knowing what a marketing campaign needs to be successful. Copywriters on the other hand understand the bigger picture, their expected results and often have experience in developing strategies that bring impressive returns.


So, there you have it, five reasons why AI won’t replace humans just yet when it comes to writing great content. While machines are getting better and better at mimicking human behaviour, they still lack the creativity, empathy, and understanding that we as humans possess. The next time someone tries to tell you that AI is going to take over the world of content writing, just remember this list!

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